Saturday, July 16, 2011


The kids made smoothies today and then stood flogging them outside the appartments.The used Ash as bait, then swarmed their customers.Some bloke just gave them $20. they even sold to local dibble! They made $35!
When Dad got home we went to wagamamas and the girls decided to get a hair cut. Ash wasnt quite ready for her first haircut.Rox opened the salon door and in that one second decided to get a short chop and go purple.Shy had a well needed cut and some purple goth streeks.the kids totally took over the salon and rox had the women in stitches, especially when she asked about a 'man' the had just been in, which was actually a women!
It was dark when we came out, which annoyed rox as she thought nobody would notice her. There were plenty of people to show at the art show we went to next put on by chris" work mate. They also took over that show!

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