Friday, January 1, 2021

New Year 2021

 So we(Me,Dad,Guy,Shy,Dika,Ash & Cass & Blue) came to Mazanita beach for new year and stayed in a house for two nights...Nichola and Misha were at Cannon and the plan was to have a beach fire etc, but the weather was awful. NY eve, we played cards and watched more Mandelorian, and made it to midnight!

Roxy was up the mountain with Dennis!

Shy,Dika,Ash & Cass & Blue) came to Mazanita beach for new year and stayed in a house for two nights...Nichola and Misha were at Cannon and the plan was to have a beach fire etc, but the weather was awful. NY eve, we played cards and watched more Mandelorian, and made it to midnight!

Roxy was up the mountain with Dennis!

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